






this is some of entry design we got.cool~
dear guys n gurlz,
we r asking ppl out there to post possible design for the t-shirt. will do the voting system together on the best design..
For a short n simple theme "fabulosity : a look back a step forward"..july 04/05..
*perhaps da images can be in one color*
-latest post by 16/09/2008-
kalu suh org luaq design..
ape designer tu dapat?
sure ade harga nye kan for design die tu kan..pnat2 wat..
kalu bdak utp design pn..xkn nk amek je design die n twus buat baju..tol x?
kne la ade token of appreciation..
it's not about what the batch can do for you, but rather what you can do for the batch
aku rase, in this case, harga design baju ni depends on org2 yg nak pkai nnt (fellow batch-mates)
kalo aku design baju, n org suke design baju aku tu, aku dah puas hati. what's wrong with a lil charity?
kalau nak berkire sume mende, komiti2 ni memang dah dapat byk laa token of appreciation (mereka yg bekerja keras je laa aku acknowledge.. yg pemalas tu g mam)
so in my opinion, open tshirt design ni kpd mereka yang ikhlas nak bagi design for the sake of the batch. kalau yg jenis berkire nak dapat ape balik tu takyah anta design la. gi anta kat threadless.com. untung2 ley menang hahah
aku tak ske btol orang komen tp letak nama anonymous. apa takde telo ke? kaman la... zaman da berubah dunia da maju. mentaliti ubah skit aaa...
bkan tade telo la pundak..
mksd ak..
kalu ak mtak org luaq yg mmg blaja graphic n designing wat design baju yg gerek sket,nk la plak diowg menyumbangkn kt dak utp..
nothing comes for free ar beb..
kalu ak yg design,mmg ak xmtak ape aa
i'm not the designer here,guys..
i'm just hooking u up with the well breed designers..
kne la gak bg diowg sumthin in return kan?
ke kowg ade org lua yg ebat wat design..tp wat free je utk design diowg?
klu cmtu..kasi taw ak aa..
leh ak suh jae wat baju ke..
kurg sket modal die..
think dude..think~
1 batch.1 gathering.jgn gado2:)
why need org luar klu kite sendiri ade yang mampu mendisign, n yeah lg ebat dari org lua..qal n qambin okey kot tuu...
nway gud luck kpade komiti yg berusehe...dah ade shorlist design up aa..ksik vote sket
Nak tanye lagi aaa pasal shirt2 ni.
korg nak bg as gift eh? sape yg sponsor? ke include dlm RM70 tu?
meh la aku bgtau lg skali..
aku .. wat pantauan.
ramai budak2 TAK DAPAT nak join dinner ni sbb mahal aaaa..
kalau shirt tu include dlm rm70, ape kate.. korg tukar gift. Kalau sponsor. .. memg hotel tu la yg mahal..
kat sni..bukan semua org anak dato', anak megat, anak sultan, ape tah lagi anak parameswara.
so.. pikir balik.. dgn location yang jauh, DUIT MINYAK bukan cam beli air mineral CACTUS , 0.60sen.. (tu pon mahal)...
dengn penuh sopan-santun nye nak menegor.. try usha balik. tak pon. bgtau clear2 kat org. duit tu utk ape. memg la ade surprise ke ape.. tp .. biar diaorg clear.
TARIK2 orang..
nanti.. tgk2..dak committee je yg dtg mlm tu.. HAHAHAHA.
Lagi satu.. (byk lak.buhsan dah aku nak menegor)..sigh..tempoh nak bayar tu.. jgn tgh bulan. BUDAK2 tgh takde duit. so diorg amik jalan pintas. tak dtg..panjangkn tempoh. ada PAHAM?
lg satu. dah clear ke blum pasal buffet semua tu?
cpt2 clear kan. bg kate akhir.
Harith ni ..ko buat keje ke tak? aku tak kenal langsung kau ni.
Amik serius benda ni!
sebb kate nak dinner batch, kpd Harith, ko kene pastikan seme dtg ..takde terkecuali. Cari jalan!! Jgn malas!
thx for all of the comments altho some of them mmg kurang ajar.
All of the issues have been raised during the meeting and we'll post the updates soon.
Anyway since ko asyik ungkit yang ko tak kenal harith,why dont u do us a favour by introducing urself and work with us rather than giving comments with your 2 weeks old blog account.
Thank you
btul btul btul..
kaman la senderela show urself..
committee member dh panggil tu..
so ape lg..
show at the committee yg ko mmg power..
kaman kaman kaman..
en adzlan.. anda btul2 nk amek senderela ke ?
ntah nye
mmg kurg aja sket pn
kne train sket ni..
kejar2 frisbee ke..
ke tulang x cukup..
nti ktowg bg tulang lbey aa kt ko mse dinner nti..x berkire nye ngn ko..
lg pn..tulg bkan kne baya pn..
dah2 aa tu menyalak sundalrela..
ko g je ganti harith tu..jd head twus..
xde hal beb
sure lg ramai datang nye..fuh2..
ak pn sure dtg skali..
aku malas nk buat acc...so...xpela kot..sbb..rase sgt2...sgt2..dtg seru nk post comment...
just nak ckp...jgn mengata kalo xtau...jgn menembak kalo xdek arah...no offence(kan aku dh jadi a samad said)...ape2 ponk...jgnla sbb dinner batch..memFLAMe sesame sendirik...isk2...
ape2 ponk...aku sapot dinner nih...cume...the price tuh...if bley discount cket..ponk da cukup baik...;)...-fariza-
ahaaaa laaa.boleh tak kurangkn price. I tau, tue paling murah ya'll boleh nego, tapi boleh tak ya'll bgtau skit2 kenape bleh sampai macm itu harge dia?
my friend nak sangat pegi. Can you guys extend payment? kira nya sampai akhir bulan ni ke?kawan2 I semua tak dpt nak byr dalam dis time. sebabnya duit dah byk belanja..
consider kan yeah?
Dark knight..
We are inviting the whole batch for the dinner,so any help that we can get from u guys would be much appreciated..seriously
and oh,committee or non committee.imho its not important.I would prefer to be called as one of the volunteer compared to the so called "committee".We are not doing this to get certificates or any recognition for our own benefits.
In the end of the day,we are doing this just to make sure that the batch dinner will be a night to remember for all of us.
so,again..any volunteers/help are very much welcomed.
so all yg bising2 tu..
ape kate jd volunteer cam en adzlan gak..
kan lg senang.. kecoh2.. kat komen je..
habuk pun x da..
esp cik senderla.. tamo jd volunteer gak ke ?
so sume volunteer.. ley la bg name kat en adzlan...
I'm really sorry we cudnt reduce d price nemore.. since dis dnr is not an event under utp.. kire mcm duet sponsor mmg xmsok lnsg la compared 2 makk, etc..
N bout d payment.. if possible we wud like 2 settle kn sume b4 cuti raye.. but table bookings will b according to sape byr deposit dlu.. sape awl de dpt depan2.. :)
Neways, thnx guys n girls 4 all ur supports, comments n criticism.. we really appreciate it..
Hope 2 c all of u there! later~
salam. sy sapong. sy kwn jae, alan n pundak dsb.. sy pnjual bju cm jae jgk
qal.. ko pengambil gmbr yg hebat kn.. erm nk gmbr black n white yg besh2 le x. nti aku msuk ai convert jd design yg cntek (sementara xbusy nih le la nk wt.. tp nk ade tulis designed by cotton art eyh.. )
erm klu cm kerawang2 cm xsesuai la ng laki
satu agi le wt 2 version nih
satu utk laki satu utk girl..
klu xmo hrga mh2l bju tu limit kn la kpd satu dua kaler..
kool eyh. xmo gduh
Eh..Dah 16 sept :)
Eh..Sapong ada gak.Cheers! :)
sapong sal name ak ko x mention pon?? ko x kawan ak da ker???
sy kwn baj
sendarela...oh sendarela...
i like ur type laa...
can we meet up someday...
have some chat myb over lunch or over dinner...
my treat...
to all the committees and volunteers, congratz n tq for all the hardwork...so sori for not helping directly...tq and all the best for making things great...
alo sapong. aku tak hebat amek gmba
aku tade aa gmba2 related to fabulosity. google carik stock photo sudey :D
xkesah la bufet ke hidang ke hape ke..pakaian malam tu elok2 la..
sopan2 sikit..lagi2 yg pompuan..nak kasi award tu consider la pakaian yg sopan+fabulos..br aa stylo sikit..ni baju sorang2 haih...mungkin budak2 dulu xpk..sbb tu la jadi issue..tp arap2kali ni xde la seksi2 mcm dulu...Insya Allah..aku tetap la cuba sedaya upaya bersungguh-sungguh nak menyokong event nih walaupun rase tak sedap hati ngan event ni dan walaupun tak berkenan sgt ngan COMMITTEE (yg tah pape je la..yg ok bagus laa)...
july04 dude
dear dudes n dudettes
ive got an opinion
probably in 1-2 years time we will get a job n d most frequent thing we will see in our life is our workspaces
so how bout instead of tshirt, y don we do souvenir/decorator dat we can put on our desk. sumthin we can put our design on.
dat way we can remember our batch/frends everyday
plus, if not mistaken its cheaper.(central market)
d con bout tshirt is dat at d end of d day its just a tshirt. nanti akan lipat n we will forget bout it. what happen 2 ur last batch/group/event shirt?is it still good? do u use it as baju basahan or do u frame it like a signed jersey?
just ur layman opinion
cool design qal..i like it.
to committee/volunteer.. good job guys, really appreciate ur hardwork..
alan ..kaman lan ..gigih2 ..haha..
flamers2 tade telo. keep it up ..
lagi panas lagi bagus2 ..deng~
eih kawan, bg ak jalan2 ngn bebas eh ..shoto2 free, later bole share ..ble eh ble eh .. ...yes! bole .. nice2
btww, baju ni for di jual tak?
if yes, and baju tu cm ala ala baju yg di jual kt convo fair nye size baju, yang jae nye gerai tu.
aku cm berminat nak beli. hauhauhaua
tu je.. daa!!
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